
South Johnstone Road Pavement Rehabilitation

  • Location - Innisfail, QLD
  • Completion Date - 2014
  • Value - $1.5 Million
  • Client - Department of Transport and Main Roads

The South Johnstone Road Pavement Rehabilitation project involved localised widening, pavement rehabilitation and drainage works on a state significant road, just south of Innisfail in far north Queensland. SEE Civil utilised a combination of locally appointed staff and fly-in/fly-out teams to deliver the project.

Scope of Works

  • Localise pavement widening
  • Pavement rehabilitation works
  • Installation of new and upgrading drainage infrastructure and kerb and channel.
  • Works were undertaken throuhgout the tropical wet season in Far North Queensland
  • Works were completed under live traffic conditions including a high percentage (around 25%) of heavy vehicle traffic


Bruce Highway - Feluga Road and Broderick Road

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