Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangement (NDRRA) - Whitsunday Regional Council
- Location - Whitsunday Region, QLD
- Completion Date - 2012
- Value - $13 Million
- Client - Whitsunday Regional Council
SEE Civil delivered several road recovery projects under the Natual Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements on behalf of the Whitsunday Regional Council.
NDRRA projects are delivered by relevant state and territory authroities (in this instance DTMR) to assist regions affected by natural disasters.
SEE Civil undertook rehabilitation ot 19 local and state significant roads as part of this project including pavement repair and rehabilitation, major structural drainage works and associated service and utility works.
This project was required to meet QLD TMR and Whitsunday Regional Council OH&S, Environmental, Quality and SEE Civil's Integrated Management System (IMS) requirements ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4802
Scope of Works
- Rehabilitation of 19 Whitsunday Regional Council local and access roads as part of QLD disaster recovery works
- Earthworks including 34,000 m3 cut/fill
- Major drainage structures
- Insitu pavement Stabilization
- Processing various pavement gravels
- Sealing works
- Cement treated pavements
- Water Main Works
- Service and utilities
- Insitu stabilised pavements designed by SEE Civil
- Flood recovery works during wet season in tropical north
- Roads lie mainly within productive farmlands where access had to be maintained.
- Multiple roads being undertaken at one time
- Managing traffic and access in a built up Urban environments
- Concrete pavement causeways
Kennedy Development Road
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Gold Coast Airport BP Joint User Hydrant
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