SEE Group operates under an Integrated Management System, underpinned by our organisational DNA.

This systems creates consistency across all of our operations and ensures each business and project delivers the high safety, environmental and quality standards our clients expect when working with us.

Our project management systems have been audited and accredited under the relevant Australian standards and we hold national prequalifications.

We pride ourselves on our ability to build strong relationships with our clients based on mutual trust and collaboration.



The SEE Group DNA provides guidance around our decisions and actions and helps to keep us safe. It defines how we interact with clients, suppliers, subcontractors and each other.


Owning our actions 100% of the time

  • Making decisions we can stand by
  • Responsible for our actions and work
  • Safety is everyone's responsibility


Always looking for new ways to improve our work and ourselves

  • Agile and flexible
  • Continually developing our skills
  • Open to ideas


Working as a team with each other and our clients, suppliers and subcontractors

  • Celebrating success and achievements
  • Working as one team
  • Recognising and utilising everyone's skills


Trust and encourage everyone to grow

  • Speak up - everyone's opinion matters
  • Support people to step up
  • Develop and guide your team


Loving what we do and working hard towards our goals

  • Boots and all attitude
  • Dedicated
  • Driven toward success



We place our people at the centre of our risk management process. We talk with them, listen to them and ask them what they need to do the job safely. Once agreed, we act on their advice.

Our safety processes are award-winning, having taken home awards at the SafeWork NSW and Safe Work and Return to Work Awards (QLD) in 2018 and more recently the 2020 SafeWork NSW Award for our 'Outstanding work health and safety response to the changed working environment due to COVID-19'.

SEE Group businesses operate under a third-party accredited safety management system.

We've built our safety resilience and an excellent safety culture by:

  • Encouraging our workforce through effective consultation, collaboration and communication and encouraging employee-driven solutions to safety issues and concerns.
  • Understanding the reasons for success as well as learning from our mistakes.
  • Recognising that managing safety is an ethical responsibility, not a bureaucratic activity and that we're all responsible for working safely.



At SEE Group we're committed to driving sustainable outcomes across our operations, ensuring works are environmentally, social and economically sound.

Sustainability at SEE Group is driven across three key pillars:

  • Leadership - providing clear leaders and champions across our businesses to drive sustainable outcomes as well as promoting industry-wide sustainability progress
  • Education & Awareness - Empowering our workforce and subcontractors through education and awareness around sustainability and how their works contribute to achieving sustainable outcomes
  • Collaboration - working collaboratively with our client, between businesses and across the broader construction industry to identify, deliver and drive sustainability best practices.

Follow the links below to see our corporate commitments to sustainability via our company sustainability policies.

SEE Civil Pty Ltd sustainability policy

Quarry Solutions Pty Ltd sustainability policy



Environmental excellence

As an experienced group of companies, SEE Group recognises that our works have the potential to impact on the environment. We’re committed to minimising and reducing the environmental impacts of our operations.

We encourage environmental awareness within our workforce and support project teams to uphold the highest standards when implementing our environmental procedures. The environmental procedures and policies contained within our integrated management system comply with the relevant environmental legislation and regulations.

SEE Civil in particular, has vast experience working successfully on environmentally sensitive projects including works within Endangered Ecological Communities. We’ve received praise from clients and government agencies alike for our commitment to environmental standards and won the 2017 CCF Earth Awards for our unrivalled environmental management initiatives.

SEE Group is committed to positive environmental outcomes of any projects it undertakes.



Social & Community

At its core, SEE Group is family company with strong community values. As such, we acknowledge the role we must play in supporting the communities we operate in.

We’re committed to advancing social outcomes for communities nearby to our projects and dedicated to providing employment and training opportunities for locals.

On previous projects, we’ve regularly exceeded our Aboriginal Participation in Construction (APiC) objectives and provided opportunities for trainees, apprentices and graduates to enter the workforce.

SEE Group provides financial and value in-kind sponsorship to a range of community-based organisations and sporting clubs as well as regularly undertaking charitable giving. Our project teams continually look for ways they can support the communities they are working in and often provide in-kind skilled labour, construction work or human resources to support community projects nearby.

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