- Location - Greenbank, QLD
- Value - $8 Million
- Client - VillaGreen
The Covella residential development is a 1500 lot subdivision at Greenbank in Queensland. SEE Civil are completing the first two stages of a proposed 28 stages as well as infrastructure improvements on Pub Lane. Each stage of the development involved significant cut to fill operations, more than 100 hectares of clearing, service infrastructure installation of water, telecommunications and power and significant local road works.
SEE Civil started construction of the Covella Development in 2017 and has completed the following works packages since:
- Stages 1 and 2 of residential development
- Clearing of the entire site
- Construction of a new rising sewer
- External upgrades to Pub Lane
Scope of Works
- More than 46,000 cubic metres of bulk and detailed earthworks
- Placement of more than 16,000 cubic metres of asphalt
- Installation of 2.3 kilometres of stormwater infrastructure
- Installation of 2.8 kilometres of water and 3.4 kilometres of water reticulation
- More than 100 hectares of vegetation clearing, including high-arborist and fauna-spotter-catcher involvement
- Construction and use of a complex network of bio retention basins
- Working around and connecting to an extensive network of live services
- Works undertaken within an identified Fire Ant biosecurity zone, including compliance with all necessary biosecurity regulations
- Extensive and stringent erosion and sediment control measures required throughout the site.
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