Byron Bay Hospital
- Location - Byron Bay, NSW
- Completion Date - 2016
- Value - $10.7 Million
- Client - Brookfield Multiplex & NSW Health
SEE Civil undertook two packages of works for Brookfield Multiplex and the New South Wales Department of Health in the construction of the new Byron Bay Hopsital.
The external roadworks package included the construction of a new concrete roundabout on Ewingsdale Road as well as all internal earthworks and civil works.
The sewer pump station and rising main package ****involved the construction of a 3.2 kilometre twin rising main plus installation of a new sewer pump station to connect with the Byron Shire Sewerage Treatment Plant.
The two packages were undertaken concurrently to help facilitate the ongoing construction of the hospital.
Scope of Works
External Roadworks
- Construction of a new R83 stell fibre reinforced concrete roundabout on Ewingsdale Road under live traffic conditions to provide access to the new Byron Bay hospital.
- Works were staged to allow two way traffic on Ewginsdale Road catering for around 14,500 average vehicle movements per day.
- Installation of around 500 metres of stormwater drainage infrastructure.
- Construction of multi-layered concrete pavements - with eight different types of pavement constructed to RMS specifications.
- Worksw ere constructed adjacent to major service corridors along Ewingsdale Road.
Sewer Pump Station and Rising Main
- Installation of approximately 3 kilometres of HDPE twin line sewer (280mm and 110mm) using a combination of open trenching and under boring. including several road crosings.
- Pipeline was installed in a constrained roadside construction footprint.
- Construction within the environmentally sensitive Bryon wetlands area without incident.
- Installation of a new pump station within water charged ground.
- Construction of an 8 metre deep, 3.2 metre internal diameter pump station with ballast ring and assocaited control panel.
- Construction of cast in-situ concrete emergency water storage tanks of around 200,000 litre volumes.
- On site treatment and off site diposal of acide sulfate soil material.
- Testing and comissioning of the new rising main and pump station including a full as constructed survey and prepartion of user and maintenance manuals.
Pacific Highway Upgrade, Woolgoolga to Ballina - Wave 2 Early Works
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