
Bruce Highway - Feluga Road and Broderick Road

  • Location - Tully, QLD
  • Completion Date - 2014
  • Value - $3.8 Million
  • Client - Department of Transport and Main Roads

The Bruce Highway Feluga Road to Broderick Road project involved the duplication of approximately 2.5 kilometres of the highway to accomodate separated dual overtaking lanes.

SEE Civil undertook a full scope of works for the project including traffic management on the Bruce Highway, bulk and detailed earthworks, drainage works, pavement construction and line marking and permanent road sign installation.

Scope of Work

  • Clearing and grubbing of project areas.
  • Removal of approximately 1,500 cubic metres of unsuitable material
  • Import and placement of around 30,000 cubic metres of CBR 7 and CBR10 general fill material to the project via truck and dogs. This equated to more than 1000 truck movements made without incident.
  • Installation of a 300mm, fabric-wrapped drainage blanket for the entire length of the project. This design feature was incorporated due to the poor condition of subgrades along the project alignment.
  • Construction of drainage infrastructure including 6 individual culvert structures, using 680 individual pre-cast culvert units. The largest culvert was a 12 span, 32 metre wide structure.
  • The entire project was undertaken adjacent to an environmentally sensitive waterway which drains into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Works were delivered without environmental incidents.
  • Construction of new road pavements including a 250mm Foam Bitumen stabilised base layer.


Fabric-wrapped drainage rock blanket on the Feluga Road overtaking lanes project

Feluga Road project earthworks under construction

Feluga Road overtaking lanes, nearing completion

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