

  • Location - Bahrs Scrub, QLD
  • Value - $8 Million
  • Client - Frasers Property

Brookhaven Estate is a greenfield master-planned community in Bahrs Scrub Queensland. At completion the estate will be hold more than 1300 rediential properties, a retail centre and a variety of parks and green spaces.

SEE Civil was initially engaged to deliver four stages of the project, including external roadworks on Menora Road and an upgrade of Berzins Court. Since commencement, SEE Civil has been awarded an additional four residential stages as well as an upgrade to Prangley Road.

Scope of Works

  • 7,000 square metres of earth retaining walls
  • Erosion & Sediment Control throughout the project including the construction and maintenance of sediment basins.
  • 110,000 cubis metres bulk earthworks cut to fill including detailed batters works along vegetation management areas
  • 5000 square metres of single and two-tier sleeper retaining walls and 2300 square metres of A grade boulder walls
  • 3100 metres of stormwater pipes and associated infrastructure
  • 2600 metres of water reticulation including 250mm trunk watermain
  • 3600 metres of sewer reticulation up to 5m deep and associated infrastructure
  • 1600 square metres of asphalt surfacing including full depth construction of the roads (subgrade, subbase, kerb and base course)
  • Design & construction of water booster pump station including the building, pumps, switchboard & generator
  • Two sewer crossings - 1 x 525mm Stormwater Crossing and 1 2x1200mm Stormwater crossing of existing Menora Road


Initial stages of Brookhaven including deliver of around 200 residential house blocks

Works were undertaken to protect and retain several key groups of trees throughout the estate

Initial stages featured sandstone walls

Empire Industrial Estate

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Ecco Ripley Estate

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